Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Eating Local, Literally: Raised Vegetable Garden Installations at Savannah Restaurants

If you frequent Foxy Loxy Cafe and Print Gallery like I do, you might have noticed there's something different about their courtyard lately...

Right next to the Acoustic Altar  (the stage area of the courtyard), there's a large rectangular wooden box housing a vegetable garden!
Photo Courtesy of Foxy's Facebook Page

Thanks to local landscaping and garden installation company, Savannah Victory Gardens, Savannah restaurants looking to amp up their "eat local" options can opt to have a raised bed vegetable garden  installed right in their backyard! For local restaurant patrons like me, that means I can eat salsa made from cilantro that grew up just a few feet away from where I'm sitting. It means I can enjoy a collard green quesadilla or other delightful mixed greens picked only minutes before arriving at my table.

And Foxy's not the only restaurant here in town hosting their own vegetable garden. Savannah Victory Gardens is also responsible for the boxed garden lush with collards and other leafy vegetables situated behind popular burger joint, The Green Truck Pub

Photo Courtesy of Savannah Victory Garden's Facebook Page

Even if you're not into the "eating local" or "eating organic" trend you have to admit, it's nice eating fresh vegetables. When you're eating at a restaurant that houses it's own vegetable garden, you can enjoy the food with confidence. You know that it hasn't been sitting around in a vegetable truck or supermarket for days, growing bruised and increasingly brown by the minute. Instead, your salad will be bright, cool, and crisp. The herbs garnishing your meal will be pungent, ripe with flavor in every bite.

Foxy Loxy and Green Truck have their own gardens. I wonder which restaurants will follow suite and have gardens installed. After all, local restaurants growing their own food? It definitely brings a whole new meaning to word “housemade salsa.”

I don’t know about you, but I’d fork that, Savannah.


  1. I love this. I haven't seen it at Foxy yet and I've been dying to go to Green Truck. You're absolutely right about not having to hop on board the "go organic" train to enjoy fresh vegetables. They simply taste better, and that's enough.

  2. I agree with Nicole. Not a trendy person, but I could definitely get with fresh vegetables being served in dishes I order. I' m surprised a lot of other restaurants in Savannah don't do this yet. Seeing all the trees and whatnot around, you know the soil is adequate for it.
